AIRMIC – Page 29

  • Analysis

    The rules are not there to be broken


    Stress tests are all well and good, but only if European companies and regulators treat them as more than box-ticking exercises

  • Features

    Risk strategies with more bite


    In the wake of the financial crisis, regulators are paying more attention to how businesses quantify the risk they undertake. What approaches are being taken across the profession?

  • Comment

    Colin Campbell


    Communication is key for risk managers. Airmic's former chairman and Arcadia's risk boss explains the principal challenges facing his profession

  • Analysis

    Crowds on the coast


    A sketch from Amrae, by Nathan Skinner

  • Interviews

    Paul Moore


    Having learnt the hard way the HBOS whistleblower explains how you can try to communicate with the board. But it may all be in vain if they're not willing to listen

  • Analysis

    Risk managers challenge Combined Code review


    Last year’s corporate governance review was a “missed opportunity” according to Airmic members

  • Interviews

    Seeking harmony


    As revenue authorities target so-called ‘tax havens’ as part of their fight for financial transparency and improved regulation, what will this mean for the captives based in these offshore locations? Nathan Skinner investigates

  • Analysis

    Brokers won’t emulate Aon’s GRIP


    This is a key industry issue, says Airmic chief

  • AIRMIC Portfolio

    Meet AIRMIC's new chairman


    Police officer, teacher, counsellor and leader – AIRMIC's new chairman!

  • Features

    Time to clean up your cover


    While regulations bringing in the ‘polluter pays’ principle came into force in the EU some three years ago, experts fear many companies think only ‘heavy’ industries are at risk. Just relying on your public liability policy could end in fi nancial disaster

  • Interviews

    Lessons from the banking crisis


    A case study examining what went wrong at Royal Bank of Scotland

  • Features

    A lot of hot ash?


    Was the blanket ban on air travel caused by the ash cloud less about good risk management and more about an obsession with safety? Nathan Skinner reports

  • Captive Risk

    Domicile, sweet domicile


    Good people, short flights and a flexible regulator all help captives professionals decide on their ideal base. Liz Booth looks at the pros and cons of the main locations in Europe, and considers if being in or out of the EU is an advantage

  • Online only

    Lessons in leadership


    Risk managers now have more chance than ever to move up to the board – and StrategicRISK has launched a campaign to help them to get there. As Nathan Skinner writes, it’s all about acquiring the right skills

  • Analysis

    Willing to listen


    The European Commission is happy to hear the concerns of the captive insurance community about Solvency II, finds Nathan Skinner, but there is still considerable uncertainty and a lack of preparation

  • Features

    Captives after the crisis


    Captives proved their long-term importance as businesses held steady through the recession, writes Paul Allen. But Solvency II and other regulatory reforms could shake up its future

  • Interviews

    Keep your eyes on the prize


    Risk managers have a golden opportunity to step up into a strategic board advisory role – if internal auditors and other finance professionals don’t get there first. But there are ways to fight back, as Alex Hindson, deputy chairman of the IRM, tells Nathan Skinner

  • Online only

    Ferma elects new directors


    Graham and Luzzi become Ferma vice-presidents

  • Online only

    Boards failing to engage in risk, research shows


    Boards at a surprisingly large number of UK corporations are delegating responsibility for risk management rather than taking direct ownership of it themselves, according to initial findings emanating from research carried out on behalf of Airmic

  • Analysis

    Ferma leader underlines closer teamwork efforts with Airmic


    Airmic and Ferma (the Federation of European Risk Management Associations) are working together more closely than ever, said Ferma president Peter den Dekker in his opening address to the Airmic conference in Manchester