Asia Pacific

electric vehicle

How EV fires sparked fears, supply chain tensions, and a reputational blaze

Electric vehicle battery fires in South Korea raised public fears and sparked geopolitical tensions over supply chain risks. Here’s what risk managers can learn

i stock trump

The global risk implications of the US election and Trump’s presidency

As Trump returns to the White House, risk managers worldwide face a potential upheaval in policies, markets, and global relations

Ramesh Gopal

The cool head: Deutsche Bank’s Ramesh Gopal on his risk management journey and how to keep a cool head

Deutsche Bank’s Ramesh Gopal doesn’t let volatility get to him, even when managing a risk region that includes Russia, Ukraine and Israel. Here he discusses his ‘keep calm and carry on’ mentality, and why Dubai is the perfect centre point for global business.

Globe 1 crop

Case study: How G4S successfully switched international programmes provider in the quest for better service

For a company like G4S, a world-leading integrated security business operating in more than 90 countries, implementing a global programme that meets all your needs is no easy task. It’s a good thing changing provider to RSA proved to be a journey worth making.


Spotlight on: greenwashing risks and how to avoid them

There is huge pressure for companies to present an environmentally friendly image but consumers, regulators and law courts are now quick to silence greenwashing. So, if you plan to shout about your green credentials, make sure you have the data to back up your claims.


Special report: Climate change 2024

The race to tackle climate-related risks is on, and many businesses know what they need to do. But how can they overcome barriers and get the support needed to really make a difference?


SR Q3 2024: The best laid plans…

As risk managers, we spend lots of time preparing for the worst. And yet, preparation can’t protect you from everything. When disaster strikes, sometimes the best you can do is keep smiling – even if it is through gritted teeth – and carry on, logging lessons for next time.

Geopolitics crisis

How to use geostrategic intelligence to protect your business from geopolitical instability

Growing political risks are forcing risk owners and managers to rethink their approach to geostrategic intelligence, writes Henry Wilkinson, chief intelligence officer at Dragonfly