Analysis – Page 112

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    Sun sets for heavy emitters


    European companies are facing mounting pressure to report accurate emissions information as well as their exposure to potential climate change risks

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    CCTV keeps eyes wide shut on risk


    CCTV is crucial to monitoring and preventing a host of attacks, but it must stay intelligently out of sight if it is to remain a strategic tool, says Charlie Sherlock, CEO at Cinario

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    Ripples spread from the subprime crisis


    Large multinational firms are at risk of an increased threat of claims as a result of rising volatility in the financial markets

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    ISO/BSI progress


    BSI has completed a second round of consultation on its UK risk management code of practice

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    T5 chaos wrecks BA’s reputation


    Garry Honey argues that Terminal 5's chaotic opening has seriously eroded trust in the BA brand. The impact, he says, wont be felt overnight

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    Back from the brink


    After trashing the company that shared his name with a few choice words, Gerald Ratner now runs one of the UK’s most successfull online jewelry stores—it’s a lesson in reputation management

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    Rebuilding Wembley


    It was over budget and late, but the risks associated with the Wembley Stadium rebuild were huge. The Finance Director for the FA subsidiary charged with the project has given a revealing insight into some of the issues

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    Managing your risk profile in 2008


    Charlie Sherlock, CEO at Cinario discusses how a company can proactively manage its risk profile

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    The polluter pays, but how?


    Environmental concerns have never been taken more seriously, yet a considerable amount of confusion remains around the impact of the EU's new catch-all environmental rule—the environmental liability directive

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    What firewalls do and what they don’t do


    Ian Kilpatrick looks at some of the newer security threats that are able to find their way through firewalls

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    Security predictions for 2008


    A stream of high profile data losses and increasingly sophisticated financial crime is slowly edging the issue of IT security up the corporate agenda

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    Concerns mount following Avian Flu in wild birds


    In what ways are risk managers preparing for a possible disruption to normal business practices, Nathan Skinner finds out

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    Converging IT with risk assessment?


    Charlie Sherlock, CEO of Cinario, argues companies can devise benefits from IT risk management solutions

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    UK coalition calls for common carbon reporting standard


    An open letter addressed to the UK PM calls for the introduction of enabling powers in the Climate Change Bill for mandatory carbon reporting standards

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    EIL transfer deal


    Property developers in the north west of England have completed an environmental liability transfer deal, following the acquisition of a former Kodak factory site

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    Christmas workers pose data risk


    Fast screening techniques may go some way towards mitigating the data risk posed by seasonal workers finds Nathan Skinner

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    Reputation and trust


    What lessons can be learnt from the recent DEFRA/HMRC scandals? Garry Honey takes a view

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    Risk management down under


    Governance, compliance and emerging risks are top of the agenda at an annual conference for Australian risk managers, Jean-Paul Louisot reports

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    Lessons from HMRC’s data loss


    Would UK consumers benefit from US style data breach notification legislation? Richard Stone argues the case

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    US companies suffer competitively


    The regulatory policies and enforcement approaches of US authorities make US companies less competitive in global markets. Almost two thirds (60%) of those surveyed at a global compliance conference hosted by law firm Eversheds said they struggle for attention or resources to implement regulatory compliance globally. SOX compliance appears no ...