Analysis – Page 113

  • Analysis

    Respecting indigenous rights


    A report jointly released by the Ethical Investment Research Services (EIRIS) and the Centre for Australian Ethical Research (CAER) looks at the measures companies are implementing to address indigenous and land rights issues.The report examines the policies of seven large companies, and finds that while most offer a basic public ...

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    Counting the carbon


    Pressure is mounting on companies to ‘go green’ amid fresh calls for a common carbon reporting standard

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    The principals of a safer workplace


    Workplace injury rates in the UK appear to be deteriorating, but is voluntary guidance enough to reverse the decline

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    Building a sustainable enterprise economy


    What role can businesses play in forging a peaceful and sustainable future for the earth and its inhabitants?

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    Lords rules on pleural plaques


    Could the decision open a window for claims in breach of contract?

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    When terrorists strike


    Property insurance claims stemming from large terrorist incidents can drag on, but a new agreement between government and industry could help speed the process

  • EU Parliament Building

    EC report voices competition concerns


    After over two years of information gathering and deliberation, the European Commission has issued its final report into the conditions of competition in the business insurance sector

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    UK audit reporting warning


    A quarter of the UK's larger companies do not provide proper reports to shareholders on audit practices, a leading pension fund group has claimed. In its response to the Financial Reporting Council's (FRC) recent consultation on the Combined Code on corporate governance, the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (LAPFF) says ...

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    Protection against emerging risks


    A new insurance product offers businesses protection in the event of a loss of data or network failure resulting from administrative mistakes, accidental damage or computer attacks.Designed by Lockton in partnership with underwriters Kiln, 'Business resilience' is intended for companies with time critical networks who have already invested in ...

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    Environmental risk: Think globally, insure locally


    There has been much activity in the past 18 months as the European insurance market has acted to address new obligations arising from the EU’s Environmental Liability Directive

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    Living longer, costing more


    Continuing increases in life expectancy have caused growing concern at the financial burden faced by occupational pension schemes and their sponsors. New insurance and investment-based products have been launched to help schemes manage the risks of future increases. But Mercer Human Resource Consulting warns that companies should take steps to ...

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    Reputation – what does it mean?


    Northern Rock is not the first financial crisis to prompt headlines talking of damage to reputation

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    The future of European employment practices liability?


    Dicrimination, harassment and unfair dismissal claims are no longer a US only issue. But to what extent are they really an issue for European employers?

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    Are firms prepared for emerging risks?


    Fortune 1000 companies may not be taking a long term view of risk management and preparing accordingly for emerging risks

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    Travel risk assessments


    Employers appear to be failing in their duty of care to staff who travel for work

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    Threat from al-Qaeda is low level attacks


    A terror risk forecasting company says that the threat to UK property stems from loosely coordinated small scale attacks

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    Aon: Covering the cost of FMD


    Aon consultant warns that standard business interruption policies will not cover foot and mouth disease related losses

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    Class actions across Europe?


    Some European countries have already seen legislative changes designed to facilitate the bringing of group actions in some cases. How do StrategicRISK Benchmarking Club correspondents view class actions and their possible impact? Sue Copeman describes the results of our latest survey

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    Face up to climate change


    Companies need to face up to the realities of climate change and the risks that it poses to their long term interests. Environment and Climate Change Minister Ian Pearson, addressing a meeting of US businesses in New York on 9 May, said that a business's vulnerability to the threats of ...

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    More than corporate philanthropy


    Jon Hauck says that corporate responsibility is now recognised as a crucial element of success