Analysis – Page 116

  • Analysis

    Employee monitoring


    SurfControl is offering a free...

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    Law firms fail to face up to risk


    A recent study suggests that law firms are failing to identify their risk exposures

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    Pensions for fixed-termers


    Confederation of British Industry warns that Government proposals give workers on fixed-term contracts the same right to a company pensions

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    Moving forward


    The events of 11 September have shattered the traditional concepts of our world.

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    Stress claim dismissed


    An office manager who brought a claim against her employers for work-related stress has had her case dismissed.

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    Iceland:Frozen Value


    A rather unglamorous frozen food and freezer chain, Iceland’s shares were 113 times oversubscribed when the company went public in 1984.

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    Joint approach brings superior performance


    The importance of integrated risk management and how it can benefit the bottom line were revealed at a joint seminar in London.

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    USA v Microsoft


    Matthias Beck and Lynn Drennan suggest that Microsoft's inability to prevent the break up the software giant could be the risk management failure of the century.

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    Governance and mergers


    Corporate governance issues can have a significant influence on cross-border mergers, according to a report issued in July by The Conference Board.

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    Byers calls for UK law change


    The framework of company law needs both to allow and to encourage directors to take wider responsibilities into account.

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    Disability discrimination good practice


    From 2004, service providers will have to make "reasonable adjustments" to the physical features of their premises to overcome access barriers.

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    NAPF backs report on company law reform


    On 1 August, the UK National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF) publicly backed the "considered and measured" approach of the company law steering group.

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    UK ruling alerts ALARM


    The UK House of Lords ruling on 27 July in Phelps v London Borough of Hillingdon has important risk management implications for local education authorities and the public sector in general.

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    Anti-competitive behaviour banned


    The Competition Act 1998, which came into force on 1 March, prohibits anti-competitive agreements and behaviour.

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    E-commerce liability


    Internet service providers may be subject to the same libel laws as other media organisations.

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    Energy tax concerns


    UK companies are anxious about likely damage to business arising from the Kyoto environmental protection measures.

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    Freedom of information - new risks


    The Freedom of Information Bill will give citizens access to information held by public authorities.