Analysis – Page 51

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    Climate, technology and political extremism threaten business supply chains


    A combination of political tension, climate change and technological dependency is putting global supply chains under more strain than ever before.

  • Social Media

    Getting down to digital business


    Cyber threats remain a top concern as businesses struggle to manage the social media landscape

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    Slaves to your business


    We are all complicit in modern slavery. Do you really know if there is forced labour in your supply chain? Because ultimately, the buck and the power to changed enslaved people’s lives, lands with you.

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    StrategicRISK Q3 2019: Smoke without fire?


    We all know: Don’t believe everything you read. But in a social media-led world where fake news works so hard to be king, how do we avoid getting burned? Because the most crucial messages could be lost if we can’t discern the facts from the fiction

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    When fake facts fan flames


    The Amazon rainforest fires have sparked a public outcry and a worldwide call to get serious about climate change. But now, the spread of misleading information and politically motivated angles threatens to undermine this message

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    Thomas Cook: tourism experts explain the travel company’s collapse


    While the ultimate responsibility for the business failure of Thomas Cook must rest with the hands of its management, they faced a number of factors outside their control, writes  Anna Hillingdon, associate professor in risk and resilience and John Fletcher, Professor, Bournemouth University  

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    Could gamification be the key to managing logistics risk?


    Gamification is the application of game-principles and game-design elements in anything that is not a game, and it’s a growing trend in logistics, argues KPMG national sector leader, transport & logistics, Brendan Richards.

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    Data is the future of effective risk management


    Traditional approaches to risk fail to resonate with senior managers, they are too “subjective” and ”anecdotal”. And if they dismiss risk management, it is because they lack understanding. So, the answer? We need to embark on #ChangingRisk with the use of data, says Danny Wong, CEO of Goat Risk Solutions

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    Defining your reputation risk


    Reputational risk is not “one risk”, but rather a category of risks which may impact your reputation, so how should you define and manage it? Hans Læssøe, principal consultant at AKTUS and former risk manager at Lego Group has this advice

  • Ransomware

    Ransomware attacks on cities are rising – authorities must stop paying out


    A ransomware campaign that targeted 23 US cities across Texas has raised serious concerns about the vulnerability of local governments and public services to cyber-attacks, writes David S. Wall, professor of Criminology, University of Leeds

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    Ausblicke in neue Dimensionen im Risiko


    Der designierte FERMA-Präsident erläutert, wie er die Zukunft mit einer Prise Digitalisierung und Blick auf die nächste Generation angehen will

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    New dimensions in risk


    Just before the start of this year’s GVNW symposium, GVNW board member and FERMA’s president-elect spoke to StrategicRISK about how he will aim for the future, with a pinch of digitalisation and an eye to the next generation

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    The future for parametric insurance is bright


    Germany’s demand for parametric insurance is growing, but its benefits extend beyond weather-related events, writes Thomas Keist, Innovative Risk Solutions director; and   

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    Don’t be the next Subway


    Global sandwich chain, Subway, has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons recently for franchising infractions. StrategicRISK sat down with industry stalwart, Patrick Smith of Acumen Advisory, to get his thoughts on this risky business model.

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    Risk culture or culture risk?


    In this article, Business Olympian Group, director, Gavin Freeman, will try to unpack the meaning of “risk culture” and assess whether the role of risk teams is to measure risk culture or culture risk

  • Ethics

    The ethical balancing act of boardrooms


    Could organisational psychologists be the key to cutting the risk of misbehaviour? In the post-Hayne report era, all risk managers need to be looking at ways to set ethical behaviour with ‘tone from the top’

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    Critical infrastructure at risk


    The introduction of the industrial internet of things (IoT) across production and supply lines is likely to lead to a broader number of cyber risks and potential attacks.

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    Everything you need to know about the G20 summit


    In this must-read piece from Andy Gilholm, principal and director of Analysis at Control Risks considers the outlook beyond the G20 talks and considers some specific escalation risks including China’s planned “unreliable entities list”.

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    Will insurers ever be able to address reputation risks?


    Reputation risk tops the table of greatest risk in CNA Hardy’s recent survey. But it is still difficult to insure. If insurers want to play their part in #ChangingInsurance, they will need to develop risk manager relationships beyond binary transactions and immerse themselves in their clients’ company

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    Severity or frequency – which comes first?


    We all need to set priorities but when we need to speak about actions at company level, with the focus on performance transformation and stakeholder value, have we really analysed what this actually means? Adrian Clements, international enterprise risk manager, has these tips