Analysis – Page 7
USA braced for arrival of Hurricane Sandy
‘Frankenstorm’ set to cause widespread damage and disruption to major cities
Hurricane Sandy makes second landfall in Cuba
Maximum sustained winds were recorded at 114mph and are moving north
Caribbean hit by tropical storm Rafael
Latest tropical storm expected to reach hurricane strength later today
Typhoon makes landfall in South Korea
Catastrophe modelling firm AIR Worldwide said maximum sustained winds reached 150 km/h, equivalent to a hurricane
Willis: Hurricane damage will likely remain stable in 21st century
Power of average Atlantic hurricane also likely to stay unchanged during next century
Isaac upgraded to Hurricane
Residents seek safety away from storm’s path despite no evacuation orders
Severe typhoon hits Hong Kong
Strongest storm for 10 years causes disruption across the island
Moderate Cat losses in first half of 2012 - Munich Re
Overall global losses total only third of 10-year average
The 1990s – a new focus on risk
It was the decade that brought Hurricane Andrew, asbestos, and a seismic shift in the scope and importance of risk management
Insurance market outlook
At the Ferma Forum in Stockholm, Andrew Chester, head of the broker Bowring Marsh UK, answers StrategicRISK’s questions about the market
Rising temperature
From agricultural production to changes in the weather, most businesses will be exposed to climate change. But with its risks clouded by uncertainty, how do they reduce that exposure?
Hurricane Irene could cause $6bn loss
The storm has weakened but flooding remains a key risk
Hurricane Irene hits Puerto Rico and heads for US
Analysts say that this storm could brring about a hardening of the insurance market
US insurance market falls by 29%
Recent major catastrophes hit property and casualty insurance
Video: Mexican hurricane Beatriz
Second hurricane of the season causes deaths and significant damage in Mexico
The calm after the storm
So far several major catastrophes have not had a big impact on commercial property insurance prices. But how long will this situation last, asks James Bray
Total cost of Japan disaster could be $300bn
The total losses to the insurance industry will rival hurricane Katrina
Nat cats cost $109bn in 2010
Russian heat wave and Haiti earthquake were deadliest disasters last year
Cat modellers overestimate losses
Models can’t accurately predict hurricane losses, finds Karen Clark research
Trading property damage risk
Gallagher Re and physical commodities exchange New York Mercantile Exchange, have agreed that NYMEX will list for trading and clear property damage risk contracts, subject to regulatory approval by th