Analysis – Page 20
You can always be more prepared
The natural disaster in Japan has shown just how vital preparation and planning is, but for complete cover, companies and organisations must expect the unexpected
Breaching the boundaries
Sanctions are in place for social, economic and political protection, but they’re not always obvious and failure to spot them can have serious consequences
Alarmed and dangerous
Fear, uncertainty and doubt: it sells papers and boosts viewing figures, but what are the consequences of a misperception of risk?
Braced for impact
The natural disaster in Japan has shown just how vital preparation and planning is, but for complete cover, companies and organisations must expect the unexpected
Sweden rocked by terrorism
A lone terrorist is less likely to be discovered than a larger cell, according to RMS’ model
Accenture bullying claim fails
A computer analyst was wrong to say his employer breached health and safety law, ruled a court
The end of compulsory retirement
Employers are faced with the question of how to manage an older labour force, writes Andrew Leslie
New health and safety proposals
Lord Young’s report calls for restrictions on “no win no fee” advertising
Political risk update
JLT World Risk Review downgrades Pakistan, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan and Tajikistan
Work until you drop?
People with too few savings; possibly an end to the default retirement age. Welcome to the world of the older workforce. Will your organisation measure up?
The night shift risk
Can shift work cause cancer? A growing body of evidence suggests that it may. And the first compensation has already been paid out.
Risk management influencing outcomes
Sue Copeman interviews AIRMIC’s next chairman, Paul Howard
New strategies for European funds
European pension schemes are increasing their allocation to non-traditional asset classes
Ransoms encourage piracy
Commercial shipping companies paying ransoms have made piracy a booming industry
Pandemic, or not?
H1N1, or swine flu, has pandemic potential but so far it is mostly causing only mild flu symptoms
Corporate Manslaughter one year on
It is likely investigations are underway that intend to take advantage of the new powers, warns Aon
D&O flood could drown insurers
The D&O market is deeply troubled and some insurers will be forced into insolvency over the next 18 months
New liabilities
A new law governing the protection of natural habitats has come into force in the UK