Asia Pacific – Page 25

  • Patrick Regan

    Premiums4Good announces $633 million in impact investments


    QBE’s Premiums4Good confirms commitment to £1 billion 2021 ambition  for impact investments

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    Running for cover: Insuring renewable projects


    As tech innovation continues in the renewable energy space and projects scale ever bigger, conventional insurance options are unable to keep up and insurers are now wondering – what’s next?

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    Cloud cover: Finding alternatives


    As the renewable energy sector is seeing its risk profile change dramatically, there is increased demand for ways to cover against arguably its greatest foe – unpredictable weather

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    Mobility ecosystems: Driving change


    Self-driving cars are speeding from the future into our present. But what effect will such tech have on the way we view transport, and crucially liability on the road? Insurers cannot afford to hit cruise control and wait to find out

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    Production lines: Supplying change


    The sheer numbers and complexity in car manufacturing supply chains make them exceptionally vulnerable. It takes a proactive approach to prevent production lines grinding to a halt

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    Crooked construction


    China’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative means huge opportunities for developers and investors. But with so many infrastructure projects in developing countries beleaguered by corruption and crime, can this one stay on the straight and narrow?

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    One great reason to risk a startup


    The lure of the start-up may be great, but so are the risks. Adam Selwood and Susie Jones, the hearts and minds behind Cynch Security, took the gamble, emboldened and inspired by one thing – a great idea.

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    Top takeaways from PARIMA KL


    Business risk management expert Steven Tunstall said the conference was valuable for those looking to widen their experience and learn about the risks of the future.

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    The changing face of product recall


    As both products and supply chains become more complex, is it surprising that recalls between manufacturers and their suppliers are more common?

  • Thomas Buberl

    “We need to find the recipe for success in the future” says Axa CEO


    Thomas Buberl, CEO, Axa Group talks at Brokerslink 2019 about the biggest risks facing businesses and why we are on the verge of another golden age of insurance

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    Attending Brokerslink 2019?


    Here’s our quickfire Q&A with José Manuel Fonseca on what to expect from this year’s event

  • Robb_eadie

    Can he fix it?


    A life-long drive to discover what is broken and make it right has taken BHP’s Robb Eadie all around the world. Now his sights are set on transforming the risk profession. Meet: The fixer.

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    Slaves to your business


    We are all complicit in modern slavery. Do you really know if there is forced labour in your supply chain? Because ultimately, the buck and the power to changed enslaved people’s lives, lands with you.

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    StrategicRISK Q3 2019: Smoke without fire?


    We all know: Don’t believe everything you read. But in a social media-led world where fake news works so hard to be king, how do we avoid getting burned? Because the most crucial messages could be lost if we can’t discern the facts from the fiction

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    Renaissance woman


    For Suchitra Narayanan – accomplished dancer, nimble-footed, creative risk manager, and the 2019 StrategicRISK Awards’ leading lady – risk management is a dance, and being part of changing risk her most captivating performance yet

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    Defining your reputation risk


    Reputational risk is not “one risk”, but rather a category of risks which may impact your reputation, so how should you define and manage it? Hans Læssøe, principal consultant at AKTUS and former risk manager at Lego Group has this advice

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    Expert Views

    Can construction truly go green?


    After a sustained push to improve the energy efficiency of homes and offices, the focus has now shifted to the construction companies that build them – and they are not performing well

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    Major protection gaps in cyber, nat cats and intangible risks continue to challenge insurers


    “We have growth in the insurance market, but significant protection gaps remain” says Giulio Terzariol, chief financial officer at AGCS

  • AI

    AI influences industrial property and Chinese consumer markets


    Speaking ahead of the AI workshop, the chair of today’s session, Benedikt Hintze, risk and insurance manager at Georgsmarienhütte Holdings, said: “AI is an important new technology with the potential to change the entire market insurance market.”

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    AI wirkt sich auf gewerbliches Eigentum und die chinesischen Verbrauchermärkte aus


    Der GVNW hat ein Forum rund um das Thema künstliche Intelligenz (AI) in der Versicherungsbranche erarbeitet, das beim Symposium diesen Nachmittag um 15:40 Uhr abgehalten wird.