Asia Pacific – Page 59

  • money present

    Bribery revealed

    Some companies are no better at tackling corruption than three years ago, despite new anti-bribery laws

  • Mark Craemer

    Reputational risk: badge of dishonour


    A company ignores risk to brand reputation at its peril, and that risk can be much more complex – and have far greater consequences – than anyone anticipates, as BP found out in the Gulf

  • Black Swan

    Steady as she goes


    In these changing times, one of the few things anyone can be sure about is that uncertainty will continue. But while risk exposure for business is growing, it’s not all doom and gloom

  • The oil and gas sector is seen as high risk for corruption

    World-Check challenges TI Bribe Payers Index


    World-Check releases a corruption index of its own, which challenges some of Transparency International’s underlying assumptions

  • Nathan Skinner

    The spreading eurozone crisis demonstrates risk interconnectivity


    For me one of the most fascinating trends in risk today is the way globalisation has created strong links between so many different parts of the world, so that a crisis in one region is hardly ever contained within that zone alone.

  • India

    India threatened by Italian default


    While India’s banks are not that exposed to the eurozone debt crisis, Italy is one of India’s key trading partners and would therefore suffer from an Italian default

  • Brazil carnival
    This Week's Top Risk

    Eurozone crisis spreading to Brazil


    A slowdown in Europe and China is having a significant impact on the Brazilian economy, according to Exclusive Analysis

  • Mal Bozic, assistant director of risks at Aegis Advisory

    China’s economic miracle may not be sustainable


    Mal Bozic, assistant director of risks at Aegis Advisory says there are big questions around rising dissent and troubling economic signs in the Far East

  • Maplecroft Conflict Intensity Index

    Conflict risk index


    As war and conflict increasingly creep across the globe, organisations must reconsider how they do business in volatile countries and, indeed, as the situation in Libya demonstrates, just who they’re doing business with

  • One of so many KFC stores in Beijing, KFC is one of the most popular American franchises in China.

    East meets West


    Despite global misery, economies in Asia remain strong, making it attractive for new business. But with this come new considerations for risk managers who must rethink their strategies if they are to approach this area

  • money present

    Bribery index reveals no improvement in UK


    Britain actually performs worse than three years ago despite the implementation of the Bribery Act

  • Rogelio Bautista Guardeño

    Lone ranger


    Rogelio Bautista Guardeño was Spanish company Abengoa’s first risk manager. Now he’s one of the few in Europe to really evolve his role beyond buying insurance. Is it time the rest caught up?

  • ROUGH GUIDEindia

    East meets West


    Despite global misery, economies in Asia remain strong, making it attractive for new business. But with this come new considerations for risk managers who must rethink their strategies if they are to approach this area

  • Rogelio Bautista Guardeño

    Rogelio Bautista Guardeño


    Rogelio Bautista Guardeño was Spanish company Abengoa’s first risk manager. Now he’s one of the few in Europe to really evolve his role beyond buying insurance. Is it time the rest caught up?

  • Maplecroft Conflict Intensity Index

    Managing business in the line of fire


    As war and conflict increasingly creep across the globe, organisations must reconsider how they do business in volatile countries and, indeed, as the situation in Libya demonstrates, just who they’re doing business with

  • Nathan Skinner

    Eurozone crisis: Unanswered questions


    With a Greek default looking increasingly like a near certainty there are still a heap of unanswered questions surrounding Europe’s €1 trillion bailout fund

  • crowded street

    Bigger is riskier


    The world’s population hit seven billion on October 31. StrategicRISK explores the risks of a crowded earth

  • China's worldwide reach
    Risk Map

    China’s overseas investment


    China’s commercial influence overseas is rising. According to one source, China’s outward investment since 2005 totals $263bn (€185bn)

  • A mine in Australia

    Mining and metals: Top risks


    Resource nationalism, skills shortages and infrastructure access are the top three threats facing mining and metals companies in the year ahead, according to Ernst & Young analysis.

  • Two red dice
    Special Reports

    Recalls and reputation


    As more businesses are being hit by product recalls, insurers have made cover easier and cheaper - even providing short-term specialist consultants for smaller companies that don’t have a large public relations budget.