Asia Pacific – Page 62

  • Analysis

    Sony's cyber woes


    The recent Playstation hack was inspired by an earlier incident, one expert believes

  • Analysis

    Chinese trade surplus increases


    China has reported a $11.4bn trade surplus for the month of April

  • Analysis

    Against all odds


    At a time of heightened global turmoil, we asked Europe’s 30 leading risk managers what they think will most affect their businesses

  • Analysis

    Breaching the boundaries


    Sanctions are in place for social, economic and political protection, but they’re not always obvious and failure to spot them can have serious consequences

  • Analysis

    Risks Report: Trouble round every corner


    At a time of heightened global turmoil, we asked Europe’s leading risk managers what they think will most affect their businesses

  • Analysis

    Keep calm and carry on, the Aussie way


    Australian businesses’ continuity plans were put to the ultimate test by the recent Brisbane floods. But some companies have proved that, with the right systems in place, they can stay one step ahead

  • Graphics

    Risk Financing: Categorising catastrophe


    With catastrophic occurrences seemingly on the rise, it’s important that risk managers understand such scenarios and the cover they require

  • Analysis

    Governance: It could be you...


    The Bribery Act, coming into force in July, widens the definition of bribery and holds directors responsible for failing to prevent it – even when it takes place abroad. Don’t get caught out

  • Online only

    Asia-Pac cats could cost insurers $500m


    Australia floods, Christchurch quake and Japan tsunami will hit insurers’ first quarter results

  • Analysis

    News feature: Trade wars


    Protectionism is nothing new, but some in the business community believe the playing field of international trade is becoming more rather than less uneven

  • Comment

    Q&A: Libya is not a blueprint for upheaval


    Control Risks’ chief executive Richard Fenning discusses today’s major risks, ranging from the war in Libya to the rise of China, ‘hacktivism’ and Somali piracy

  • Damage to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant

    The five riskiest nuclear power plants


    Japan's Fukushima Daiichi tops the list but other plants are being built in quake zones with a disregard for safety, a report claims

  • Analysis

    Mid-East dominates water security risk list


    Lack of stable supplies may contribute to future oil price hikes and regional unrest

  • Graphics

    Risk Atlas: The next 10 catastrophes


    Climate change is most likely to strike in the countries least able to cope with the effects, according to Maplecroft’s new index

  • Graphics

    Risk Financing: Chain reactions


    An increasingly complex world is putting supply chains under more pressure than ever before. Can insurers respond with the type of cover that global businessess need?

  • Analysis

    The rules are not there to be broken


    Stress tests are all well and good, but only if European companies and regulators treat them as more than box-ticking exercises

  • Interviews

    Flying high


    During 13 years in risk management, Frédéric Desitter has gone from being perceived as a ‘messenger of doom’ to being an indispensable part of Aéroports de Paris’ operations

  • Analysis

    Top 10 global risks


    Eurasia Group published its list of top ten emerging threats

  • Analysis

    Risk linkages


    La Niña leaves human and economic toll in its wake, pushing global commodity prices up, says Maplecroft's Helen Hodge

  • Analysis

    Risk management post crisis


    Two years into the hard bite of the financial crisis, European companies and regulators are still scratching their heads over the tooth marks, and how to cleanse risk management factors which triggered the downward spiral