Asia Pacific – Page 66

  • Features

    Prime crime


    Has fraud boomed in the recession? Or is it simply that cash-strapped copmanies are spotting things earlier? As the old adage goes, there's no such thing as a small fraud, just those that haven't had time to grow. Peter Davy reports

  • Features

    Seal of confidence


    Dan Trueman discusses how businesses can protect their key intangible assets

  • Features

    Total recall


    Product defects put manufacturers, suppliers and retailers at risk of product liability claims, and factors such as globalisation and new technologies mean that these exposures are becoming increasingly complex, explains Jon Elvidge of XL Insurance

  • Analysis

    Business urged to cut links with Iran


    Companies face increased pressure by US-based lobbyists to cut business ties with the Iranian regime

  • Interviews

    Gender gap widening


    The corporate world is not doing enough to achieve gender equality, says WEF survey

  • Analysis

    Falkland oil assets at risk in run up to Argentine elections


    Drilling in the Falklands has sparked tensions and a populist decree poses confiscation risks to oil firms and cargo vessels

  • Online only

    Political interference greatest risk to banks


    ‘Banana Skins’ poll identifies top threats to banks

  • Online only

    Elevated political risk continues into 2010, says Aon


    18 countries downgraded in this year’s political risks map

  • Interviews

    Aon chief joins Miller


    Former Aon CEO to lead a new team focused on corporate risk in UK and Europe

  • Interviews

    New decade, new health risks?


    Over the last decade pandemics have been the cause of most concern, but other kinds of health risk are increasing

  • Features

    Out of sight, out of mind


    Employers may be well-versed in the duty they have to ensure a safe environment for their staff. But what about the safety of employees sent away on business trips? Andrew Leslie looks at the potential risks and what companies can do to mitigate them

  • Features

    Born free and equal


    The multinational that abuses its power in poorer countries risks financial losses, litigation and reputational ruin. Yet shocking cases of exploitation still occur. It is time to take responsibility, says Nathan Skinner

  • Features

    Dangerous results


    2009 was a relatively mild year for natural catastrophes, with losses well below average. But with the tragedy in Haiti in January, and rising global temperatures continuing to put certain regions under pressure, there is no cause for complacency, argues Nathan Skinner

  • Features

    Making a crisis out of a drama


    As the swine flu pandemic monopolised international news headlines and governments bulk-bought vaccine, companies across the world prepared themselves for the worst. Thankfully, the worst has not materialised, but lessons can still be learned, says Tony Dowding

  • Features

    Evolving threats


    As political risk uncertainty rises, the threat landscape is changing. StrategicRISK has teamed up with ACE to find out what tops your list of concerns and what you’re doing to mitigate them

  • Special Reports

    AMRAE goes to the beach


    Full coverage of the Rencontres 2010 in Deauville is available here

  • Features

    Tools for change


    Tony Dowding sheds light on risk engineering and explains how a process associated with property protection can help firms fine tune their liability exposure

  • Online only

    El Niño could dull hurricanes in Australia


    Guy Carp predicted below-average activity in the Australia region for the 2009/10 hurricane season

  • infrastructure pension fund scheme trustee magazine investment training
    Online only

    California telecoms firm fined for China bribes


    UTStarcom agrees to pay $3m in fines

  • Online only

    A day in the life...


    of Patrick Smith, Risk Insurance & Claims, Hertz Europe