Asia Pacific – Page 77

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    European firms not addressing major risks: Survey


    Lack of preparedness impedes growth/success, says Aon

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    More challenges ahead


    FERMA president warns of changing external environment

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    Firms failing to monitor Chinese suppliers


    Many companies do not actively manage and monitor their Chinese suppliers, reveals a new survey

  • Features

    The China syndrome


    The world increasingly depends on Chinese products, but recent high profile recalls are raising concerns about production standards. Trevor Davies considers the issues.

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    Codes and cultures


    There is a growing global consensus about the need for good governance, but cultural differences can intervene. Alan Waring looks at some of the issues arising in Asia and closer to home.

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    Measuring the markets


    Where are the best opportunities to be found among emerging markets? And what about the risks? Ian Coleman explains the thinking behind an index which balances the risks and rewards

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    Risk without frontiers


    Love it or hate it, globalisation is the name of the game now for major European companies. How are StrategicRISK Benchmarking Club members viewing the challenges? Sue Copeman describes the results of our latest survey

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    The race toward preparedness


    Which of the world’s regions wins the gold in the risk management marathon? John Keeble reveals all.

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    Carl Leeman


    Based in Belgium, Katoen Natie is a privately owned logistics company with activities worldwide. Carl Leeman, chief risk officer, shares his candid thoughts on the profession, its limitations and what needs to change

  • Features

    Risk management for the future


    The Institute of Risk Management (IRM) is launching the world's first international diploma in risk management in October. 'As well as being the first international qualification in this area, the Diploma will also offer the most integrated approach to managing risk across a whole organisation,' says IRM chief executive Steve ...

  • Analysis

    XL launches cross border


    XL Insurance chose the first day of the FERMA Forum to launch its new products for multinational companies

  • Roundtables

    Roundtable Part 4


    Ralf Oelssner: I propose that we look now at D&O.Hans Jörg Schill: That can be dealt with fairly easily. If it comes to a claim, the insurers point to an exclusion, if not to a violation of the pre-contractual duty to disclosure. If that does not come in, then it ...

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    Europeans join forces to develop a new pandemic flu vaccine


    The four-year project has been awarded a grant of EUR3.5m from the European Union

  • Features

    Insiders are the biggest enemy


    Much security effort is expended on preventing external IT breaches, but the potentially catastrophic threats reside internally, warns Edward Wilding

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    Getting the framework right


    Alistair Smith, CRO of one of the UK's largest companies, gives his views on how to develop an effective risk management framework

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    Global challenges of managing risk


    What keeps the CEO awake at night? Paul Pilkington and Jane Woolcott discuss the findings of a recent CEO survey on key risks

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    Benefits without risk?


    More and more companies are outsourcing. Emily Freeman suggests how you can minimise the risks

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    Building a stronger partnership


    Marco Borsotti and Artem Volynets discuss the future of climate change mitigation in Russia and the role of the United Nations Development Programme

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    Aon boosts Asia Pacific client services


    Aon has expanded its Asia Pacific team with the addition of five new hires across the region

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    ACE forms new international construction unit


    The group will have operations in the U.K., Continental Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East and Latin America