Asia Pacific – Page 81

  • Features

    Cyber extortion is your business at risk?


    Criminal gangs are increasingly using the internet as a tool to extort money from businesses, with thousands of distributed denial of services attacks occurring globally every day Jose Nazario says it

  • Features

    IFS broadens its scope


    What has an institute traditionally associated with the banking industry got to offer the risk community? Quite a lot, according to Bruce Carnegie-Brown, talking here with Sue Copeman

  • Features

    Risk and communication


    StrategicRISK talks to AMRAE's Alain Poullet about January's conference, 'Les Rencontres'

  • Features

    ERM in the public sector


    With the Public Risk Management Organisation's conference taking place later this month, Sue Copeman interviews Peter Young on enterprise risk management considerations in the public sector

  • Analysis

    Dealing with a flu pandemic


    Aon publishes white paper

  • Features

    Legal Jurisdiction - a venue to sue


    The differences between common and civil law in the EU are causing unexpected problems for companies, explains Maria Kielmas

  • Archive

    Increased terrorist activity


    Increased terrorist activity is making the world a riskier place in which to do business, according to Aon's 2005 terrorism risk map

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    Broker issues to the fore


    The final event of the Forum could be the most contentious

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    Understanding the difference


    Cross-border negotiating skills are important, and cultural differences can get in the way It is important that companies and their risk managers understand where the pitfalls may lie. Chris Fox write

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    Around Europe


    News and comments from the Federation of European Risk Management Associations

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    Financial impact of HIV/AIDS


    Companies operating in fast-growth emerging economies face financial risks from the spread of HIV/AIDS, according to a new report, HIV/AIDS Beyond Africa: Managing the Financial Impacts

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    The tsunami and the multinational


    Lee Coppack tells the story of how the construction materials company Lafarge responded to the boxing day disaster

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    R&D the hidden tax risk


    Michael Cradock discusses how you can put more certainty into financial planning

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    A Pan-European View


    ERM is becoming one of the key issues, with recognition that risk might be a positive factor

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    Swimming with the tide


    The European work pool is contracting as more employees near retirement age But new research shows that people do not necessarily want to stop working. Sue Copeman writes.

  • Features

    Securing the future


    On 7 March the UK Government announced its new sustainable development strategy - Securing the Future With risk managers increasingly focusing on reputational issues, good sustainability management ca

  • Features

    Avoiding corporate death by a thousand cuts


    David Davies discusses how to stop a creeping reputation crisis

  • Archive

    Introduction: From the editor


    Business Can Break Barriers to Disaster Mitigation

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    The Threat of Climate Change


    Architects are more to blame than sports utility vehicles Insurers can help.

  • Archive

    Disasters Bulletin 21 July 04 - 1 March 05


    Territory: Indian Ocean