All Best Practice articles
The future of insurance: avoid silo approach to emerging risks
Willis, ACE, AXA CS and Lockton chief executives on how to deal with emerging risk
Risk Innovation
Country Report: Italy
Companies that survive and even thrive through a prolonged downturn are those that know how to innovate to accumulate
Risk Innovation
Country report: UK
Risk managers would have a competitive advantage if they were to bring the concepts of ERM and business continuity together
Risk Innovation
Country report: France
Eurozone watchers have seized on positive economic news from France, but can the recovery be sustained?
Risk Innovation
Country Report: Germany
Struggling to adapt to its unofficial European leadership role, Germany is bolstered by a sophisticated risk management climate
Risk Innovation
Region report: Benelux
Although small, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg exert great economic and political power, but they have not been immune to recent corporate, financial and government strife
Risk Innovation
Region report: Scandinavia
Risk managers in Scandinavia show how to escape economic crisis
Risk Innovation
Country report: Spain
The economic crisis in Spain has led to an increased awareness among senior executives of how risk must be managed globally
Risk Innovation
France - La France peut-elle encore espérer retrouver le chemin de la croissance ?
L’économie française n’est pas à genoux, mais le chemin est semé d’embûches
Risk Innovation
Spain - how is the country coping with the financial meltdown?
Iberian companies are having to innovate to beat the recession
Ensuring timely payments
Late payments are turning into an epidemic, putting many companies at risk
Risk Innovation
France - How long can the country avoid the damaging effects of the eurozone’s troubles?
France’s economy is not in tatters, but the outlook is fraught with danger
Risk Innovation
Scandinavia – success through collaboration and ingenuity
A sophisticated understanding of risk. How four nations are addressing pressures at home and abroad
Risk Innovation
Finalmente la luce: un profilo più elevato per il risk management in Italia
Gli italiani sono abituati a convivere con il rischio. Circa 3 milioni di persone abitano in prossimità del Vesuvio, famoso per l’eruzione del 79 d.C. che distrusse Pompei ed Ercolano, nonché unico vulcano ancora attivo in Europa continentale. Di recente, I’Italia ha anche dovuto fronteggiare problemi politici e di instabilità ...
Great contraction reveals price of poor money management
The economic turmoil has exposed flaws and inefficiencies in corporate treasury departments that is costing companies much more than they realise, according to a survey
Understanding and measuring risk appetite
Effectively measuring risk appetite and determining risk tolerance allows companies to analyse their objectives and take advantage of opportunites
My View: Jorge Luzzi
Ferma’s new president Jorge Luzzi answers StrategicRISK’s questions about the future of Europe’s biggest risk management association
The pension time bomb
Public debt and pensions liabilities could be the next major threat to the financial system, according to commentators. But the risks aren’t purely financial
Infographic: Major terrorist attacks in the last ten years
Countries worldwide are on high alert following the death of the USA’s most wanted terrorist