All Blogs articles
A proxy war is brewing in Syria
Russian ships have arrived in the Mediterranean, and the US has stepped up its military presence
Don’t be afraid to express your individuality within the overall context of the task
The volunteers at London 2012 exhibited behaviour that is something of a holy grail for commercial organisations
John Keating
Faced with managing risk across an enormous and highly complex network, J Sainsbury’s head of insurance and risk management, John Keating, takes a straightforward approach. ’We just keep things simple,’ he says
‘Staying out of trouble’
The lull in bad news from the eurozone during the holiday period offers a morality tale
Can looking at the past teach us a lesson for the future?
One way for risk managers to try to predict the future is to take an intelligent look back at history
Piracy threat in Somalia unlikely to diminish
Tim Holt, Head of Intelligence at Special Contingency Risks (SCR), part of the Willis Group
Risk Innovation
Q&A with Magnus Lindkvist
StrategicRISK asks Swedish trendspotter and futurologist, Magnus Lindkvist, about the role of emerging markets and the future of the global economy
The seven deadly sins of risk management
Forget sloth, gluttony and lust. These are the vices all risk managers must work hard to avoid
The Viking spirit
Our intrepid editor reports back on his second attempt at the annual 80km Viking Run ice-skating race in Sweden. Did he clinch a coveted medal this year?
Future gazing
Times of turmoil demand a balanced response. Flexibility and resilience are the keys to building a firm platform from which to look forward with confidence
Risk Innovation
Risk in an interconnected planet
Last year presented some major and largely unexpected problems for European companies including political and civil unrest as well as the supply chain impact of natural catastrophes. Will the next year produce any improvement?
Risk Innovation
When to attack, when to defend
The boardroom is a battleground, risk managers are generals and raw materials are the lives of soldiers; important risk management lessons can be learnt from history’s greatest wars
Risk Innovation
How a “micromort” helps you communicate risk
A fascinating London lecturer inspired me to think differently about communicating risk and uncertainty. Changing the imagery of risk could be a powerful tool to alter peoples’ behaviour
Risk Innovation
My view: Jorge Luzzi
Ferma’s new president Jorge Luzzi answers StrategicRISK’s questions about the future of Europe’s biggest risk management association