The race to tackle climate-related risks is on, and many businesses know what they need to do. But how can they overcome barriers and get the support needed to really make a difference?

When it comes to embedding climate threats into organisational risk management strategies, progress is being made. Slowly.

But, as our 2024 climate change survey finds, the fight for resources continues.

SRGlobalQ32024 Climate Change Special Report OFC

Respondents sais there is still plenty of room for improvement, despite progress in some areas. The main stumbling block to moving the dial? A lack of financial investment.

Our analysis of the results examines how risk managers can capitalise on climate risk management to demonstrate the long-term value of the role and safeguard their companies from operational threats.

Alongside the survey, you’ll also find guides, expert advice and case studies from organisations that are ahead of the curve. Articles include:

  • SURVEY: ARE WE THERE YET? Survey respondents report slow progress on tackling climate risks as the fight for investment continues.
  • TIME TO TAKE OWNERSHIP Dedalus Group’s Valentina Paduano talks us through her organisation’s first CSRD disclosure.
  • ONLY SEEN TO BE GREEN? Before you shout about your green credentials, make sure you have the data to back them up.
  • ADAPTATION BOOSTS RESILIENCE L’Oréal Groupe isn’t resting on its laurels when it comes to building a climate risk adaptation strategy.
  • SCALING ADAPTATION THROUGH PARTNERSHIPS The Z Zurich Foundation is there to help the urban communities most vulnerable to climate change.

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