All Corporate Social Responsibility articles – Page 33
Blowing the whistle
Frank Heinrich-Jones looks at the effects of the Public Interest Disclosure Act.
Bare minimum
The Government has asked industry to suggest new ways to take the risk out of pension funding. Adrian Leonard explores he alternatives.
AIRMIC Portfolio
Railtrack's new approach
Railtrack has formalised its risk management approach by setting up a risk review group to lead and co-ordinate the risk management activities of the company.
The threat from abroad
If you have subsidiaries in developing countries, you could face unexpected claims, warns Fiona Gill.
No escape for corporate killers
Peter Campion, assisted by Asam Khan, discusses the implications of the proposed new UK offence of corporate killing.
Socially responsible investing
Hugh Ferrand describes recent developments in socially responsible investing and his own company's response to the challenge.
Health, safety and reputation
A recent survey shows that health and safety issues have a significant influence on corporate reputation. Neville Purvis believes companies should take a positive approach.
Fighting off predators
The immediate reaction of most managements to a takeover approach is negative. Sue Copeman discusses strategies for fighting a hostile bid.
M&As: The human factor
Most mergers and acquisitions fail to enhance shareholder value. Graham Pearce warns you not to ignore the people issues.
Sleeping with the enemy
Shareholders are about to flex their muscles and gain real power, predicts Leon Pein.
Early intervention and rehabilitation
David Shillaker says getting injured employees back to work quickly can benefit your bottom line.
Disability discrimination good practice
From 2004, service providers will have to make "reasonable adjustments" to the physical features of their premises to overcome access barriers.
Effective environmental due diligence
Environmental risks present both practical and legal challenges, quite unlike other factors you have to consider in a merger or acquisition, say David Hockin, Tanya Lloyd Jones & William Butterworth.
ICGN forms share voting committee
ICGN has formed two committees to further its aims for fairness for international shareholders.
NAPF backs report on company law reform
On 1 August, the UK National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF) publicly backed the "considered and measured" approach of the company law steering group.
The polluter pays not always!
Richard Ford discusses the implications of the new regime on contaminated land.
Lone workers vulnerable
Lone public sector workers often face greater risks of personal injury than people working in more obviously hazardous industries like North Sea oil.
Freedom of information - new risks
The Freedom of Information Bill will give citizens access to information held by public authorities.
Environmental liability paper
The deadline for submissions on the European Commission White Paper on Environmental Liability, adopted in February, is 1 July
Energy tax concerns
UK companies are anxious about likely damage to business arising from the Kyoto environmental protection measures.