Q2 2024 Edition

Cover story

Geopolitics crisis

Risk managers must guide businesses to invest in geopolitical resilience and keep expecting the unexpected

You’d be forgiven for thinking crisis levels had peaked in 2020. Yet, four years on, global volatility soars ever higher. As boards begin to invest in geopolitical resilience, Trevor Treharne asks what risk managers can do to anticipate ticking time bombs before they explode onto the headlines.

Editor's letter

Sara Benwell

SR Q2 2024: The great balancing act

Parenthood and risk management have a lot in common – both demand a superhuman ability to multitask, stay one step ahead, and keep a cool head. Every day is another challenge… but you wouldn’t change it for the world, right?

Case study

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Case study: how to safeguard your reputation when entering new markets

A good image is hard won, but easily lost. And while growing into emerging markets provides amazing opportunities, your reputational risk will grow, too. Trevor Treharne asked one senior risk leader how they safeguarded their reputation when expanding into India.

Spotlights On


Spotlight on: how risk managers can tackle threats emerging from Israel

The conflict in Gaza and Israel is causing immense human suffering and crippling financial impacts, casting a long shadow over the region. As ramifications threaten to extend beyond the conflict’s borders, crisis planning must be a priority. Matt Scott reports.


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The paradox: Gentari’s group head of risk discusses the benefits of balancing risk and reward

Adrenaline-loving skydiver or level-headed strategic risk manager? Gentari’s Wan Norashikin Mohd Nasir shows it’s possible to be both, discussing risk personalities and the search for balance between risk and opportunity.


stressed businessman

Risk managers say burnout is a critical threat for organisations - how to tackle it

In the middle of a global mental health crisis, burnout is a key threat for businesses. We explore the steps firms can take to mitigate the risk and protect employees