Negotiators should craft a solid deal for rapid action, says UN's top climate change official

One day ahead of the historic UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, the UN's top climate change official expressed confidence that the meeting would deliver a comprehensive, ambitious and effective international climate change deal.

"Within two weeks from Monday, governments must give their adequate response to the urgent challenge of climate change," said UNFCCC Executive Secretary Yvo de Boer. "Negotiators now have the clearest signal ever from world leaders to craft solid proposals to implement rapid action,"he added.

Referring to numerous emission reduction pledges that developing and developed countries have made in the run-up to Copenhagen Climate Summit, the UN's top climate change official said there was unprecedented political momentum to clinch an ambitious deal in Copenhagen.

"Never in 17 years of climate negotiations have so many different nations made so many firm pledges together," he said. "So whilst there will be more steps on the road to a safe climate future, Copenhagen is already a turning point in the international response to climate change."

Yvo de Boer spoke of three layers of action that governments must agree to in the course of the coming two weeks: fast and effective implementation of immediate action on climate change; ambitious commitments to cut and limit emissions, including start-up funding and a long-term funding commitment; and a long-term shared vision on a low-emissions future for all.

As of 2010, immediate action will need to begin on reducing emissions, adapting to the inevitable effects of climate change, delivering adequate finance, technology, reducing emission from deforestation in developing countries and capacity-building.

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