Features – Page 17

  • Features

    Effective environmental due diligence


    Environmental risks present both practical and legal challenges, quite unlike other factors you have to consider in a merger or acquisition, say David Hockin, Tanya Lloyd Jones & William Butterworth.

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    Intranet risk management solution


    Clive Moffatt describes the intranet's role in bringing quality risk information to the decision-maker's desktop.

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    Early intervention and rehabilitation


    David Shillaker says getting injured employees back to work quickly can benefit your bottom line.

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    Sam Parkhouse looks at the relationship between strategy and share performance.

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    Containing a crisis


    Any company can be hit by a crisis. The key to survival is managing your way out of it. And the first few hours can be vital.

  • Features

    Managing Absenteeism


    Soraya Clements gives advice on cutting the costs of absence.<