All Financial Servcies articles – Page 9
Captives after the crisis
Captives proved their long-term importance as businesses held steady through the recession, writes Paul Allen. But Solvency II and other regulatory reforms could shake up its future
Supreme Court ruling will reduce class-actions
Judgment will substantially reduce the exposure of non-US companies to high value damages awards, says RPC
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Budget 2010: Companies face higher insurance costs
The UK Chancellor’s budget will directly increase the costs of providing employee benefits, said Mercer
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Budget 2010: Insurers warned not to overlook IPT hike
Costly compliance mistakes could ensue, says FiscalReps
Bank levy will hurt UK competitiveness
PWC says levy could lead to migration of business activity from UK
Regulation tops CROs’ concerns
Survey also reveals elevated role and remit of risk function
A.M. Best downgrades BP’s captive
Guernsey based Jupiter downgraded to A (Excellent) with negative outlook
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Infographic: BP oil spill
Here's a massive infographic explaining everything to do with the Gulf oil disaster
BP receives rating downgrade
Two rating agencies lower their credit ratings by one notch as cleanup costs from the Gulf oil spill mount up
Report: State of the Eurozone
Financial crisis is still a lingering threat to global economy, says Towers Watson
Rethink and rebuild
As companies attempt to dust themselves down after the financial crisis, what role does risk management have in the recovery? Nathan Skinner puts the big questions to Zurich Financial Services’ group chief economist Daniel Hofmann
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Infographic: Eurozone debt threat
Virtually all Eurozone countries have government debts exceeding 60% of GDP
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Deepwater Horizon could cost Lloyd's $600m
The London market also said that net claims from the Chilean earthquake would be $1.4bn
Special Reports
Special Report: Emerging markets
The UK and US have new bribery laws, just as developing countries demand more local involvement in western companies’ work. Neil Hodge looks at hom businesses should protect themselves
Data watchdog has teeth
Companies with UK operations should check their security procedure in light of the regulator's new powers
Chain reactions
Whether it's a supplier going bust or a dispute with a key partner, the potential risks in a supply chain have only increased with the downturn. StrategicRISK surveys the issues
Special Reports
Acronym = aggronym
Anyone looking to put money into the Bric should not be fooled into thinking the risks are the same. Peter Davy looks at the prospects for Brazil, Russia, India and China.
PM urges Malta to raise profile as finance centre
Malta must reinforce its efforts to promote itself internationally in order to attract investors, hears conference