All Governance articles – Page 10
Smartening up
In today’s tough climate how can firms make the most of smart risk management. Michael Morley-Fletcher investigates
A crisis of governance
Wafa Al Ammadi considers the findings of recent corporate governance reports
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Insurance costs to increase ‘modestly’ for offshore energy risks
The Gulf spill will not harden the energy market as much as Hurricane Katrina, says Marsh
Special Report: Public sector risks
Local authorities are being forced to get creative in order to cut costs without losing precious services – and all done in the full glare of the public eye, finds Sue Copeman. In this special report on the public sector, we focus on the impact such changes will have on ...
Blame culture
Are risk managers concerned about a potential rise in lawsuits, and can the D&O market remain stable? StrategicRISK, in association with ACE, surveyed you to find out
Probe launched into pharma bribery
A US investigation was launched into suspected bribery by big pharma spanning three continents
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Aon to accept contingent commissions
The broker said it would accept all forms of compensation “where appropriate”
UK swine flu response was good
An official inquiry finds that the UK was well prepared for the swine flu pandemic
Why risk managers need a higher profile
Craig Ferri says risk managers now have an ideal window of opportunity to make their voices heard and their practices adopted
Captive Risk
Domicile, sweet domicile
Good people, short flights and a flexible regulator all help captives professionals decide on their ideal base. Liz Booth looks at the pros and cons of the main locations in Europe, and considers if being in or out of the EU is an advantage
KPMG publishes compliance guide for Bribery Act
Implementing anti-bribery and corruption policies can help build more sustainable businesses, says KPMG
Ferma leader wins risk management award
The Dutch risk management association rewarded Peter Den Dekker
Willing to listen
The European Commission is happy to hear the concerns of the captive insurance community about Solvency II, finds Nathan Skinner, but there is still considerable uncertainty and a lack of preparation
A chance to be heard
The captive insurance industry must speak out about the potential threat of Solvency II and press for application of the proportionality principle, says Valerie Alexander
Bear vs bull
Their extreme conservatism may have helped captives escape the recession relatively unscathed, but is it time to take the bull by the horns and make their investments work harder? As Helen Yates is told, fortune still favours the brave
Keep a cat in the bag
Angus Duncan and Robert Cannon consider why catastrophe bonds might be a viable alternative to traditional reinsurance for captives
Captives after the crisis
Captives proved their long-term importance as businesses held steady through the recession, writes Paul Allen. But Solvency II and other regulatory reforms could shake up its future
Supreme Court ruling will reduce class-actions
Judgment will substantially reduce the exposure of non-US companies to high value damages awards, says RPC
More supervision of company culture, urges FSA
FSA chief outlines how to regulate company culture