All Guidelines articles – Page 8
Sleeping with the enemy
Shareholders are about to flex their muscles and gain real power, predicts Leon Pein.
Disability discrimination good practice
From 2004, service providers will have to make "reasonable adjustments" to the physical features of their premises to overcome access barriers.
Effective environmental due diligence
Environmental risks present both practical and legal challenges, quite unlike other factors you have to consider in a merger or acquisition, say David Hockin, Tanya Lloyd Jones & William Butterworth.
ICGN forms share voting committee
ICGN has formed two committees to further its aims for fairness for international shareholders.
NAPF backs report on company law reform
On 1 August, the UK National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF) publicly backed the "considered and measured" approach of the company law steering group.
Freedom of information - new risks
The Freedom of Information Bill will give citizens access to information held by public authorities.
Anti-competitive behaviour banned
The Competition Act 1998, which came into force on 1 March, prohibits anti-competitive agreements and behaviour.