Deutsche Bank’s Ramesh Gopal doesn’t let volatility get to him, even when managing a risk region that includes Russia, Ukraine and Israel. Here he discusses his ‘keep calm and carry on’ mentality, and why Dubai is the perfect centre point for global business.
Today’s risk role demands interpersonal skills, teamwork, and a breadth of experience to ensure decision-making is agile and creative. Sara Benwell spoke to FERMA’s Typhaine Beaupérin and Charlotte Hedemark about the need for diversity at all levels and how they are inspiring the next generation of women in risk.
A weak risk culture will eat any fancy risk management framework for breakfast, says Simona Covaliu. StrategicRISK caught up with PayU GPO’s new chief risk officer to get their take on how the risk management landscape is changing, and the most powerful tools for mitigating threats
Adrenaline-loving skydiver or level-headed strategic risk manager? Gentari’s Wan Norashikin Mohd Nasir shows it’s possible to be both, discussing risk personalities and the search for balance between risk and opportunity.
Rupert Bidwell, vice president for insurance solutions at ICEYE, talks to Strategic Risk and Insurance Times about the power of leveraging satellite technology
Medium-sized enterprises (MSEs) play a vital role in our economy. However, these companies face unique challenges when it comes to risk management, particularly in dealing with natural catastrophes such as storms, flooding, or earthquakes.
Too many organisations are operating in the dark, unable to clearly see the exposures they face. Adrien Norulak, head of risk analytics, at Swiss Re Corporate Solutions explores how better data collection, analysis and communication can help companies better manage their mitigation and insurance solutions.
Poor people management can have a profound effect on a business – hitting productivity, innovation and morale. More attention must be given to the roots of people risk if we don’t want the talent to run dry.
The race to tackle climate-related risks is on, and many businesses know what they need to do. But how can they overcome barriers and get the support needed to really make a difference?
The go-live date for the European Union’s wide-ranging DORA is rapidly approaching. But is the financial sector ready for it? Are company silos that need breaking down really being dismantled? This month’s webinar dived straight into this complex area,
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In a world characterised by instability and global conflicts, risk managers need insurance partners to provide solutions that bring simplicity, not more complexity. Swiss Re Corporate Solutions’ Will Porter explains how international programs do just that.