All Liabilities articles – Page 10
A chance to be heard
The captive insurance industry must speak out about the potential threat of Solvency II and press for application of the proportionality principle, says Valerie Alexander
Bear vs bull
Their extreme conservatism may have helped captives escape the recession relatively unscathed, but is it time to take the bull by the horns and make their investments work harder? As Helen Yates is told, fortune still favours the brave
Captives after the crisis
Captives proved their long-term importance as businesses held steady through the recession, writes Paul Allen. But Solvency II and other regulatory reforms could shake up its future
A group activity
A new healthcare law in the USA could spark the growth of employee benefit captives, says Helen Yates
Infographic: BP accounts for 97% of US refinery safety violations
Safety inspectors cite two BP refineries 760 times for safety violations
Supreme Court ruling will reduce class-actions
Judgment will substantially reduce the exposure of non-US companies to high value damages awards, says RPC
More supervision of company culture, urges FSA
FSA chief outlines how to regulate company culture
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Budget 2010: Companies face higher insurance costs
The UK Chancellor’s budget will directly increase the costs of providing employee benefits, said Mercer
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Budget 2010: Insurers warned not to overlook IPT hike
Costly compliance mistakes could ensue, says FiscalReps
Bank levy will hurt UK competitiveness
PWC says levy could lead to migration of business activity from UK
Keep your eyes on the prize
Risk managers have a golden opportunity to step up into a strategic board advisory role – if internal auditors and other finance professionals don’t get there first. But there are ways to fight back, as Alex Hindson, deputy chairman of the IRM, tells Nathan Skinner
A.M. Best downgrades BP’s captive
Guernsey based Jupiter downgraded to A (Excellent) with negative outlook
Anders Carlsund, chief executive, S:t Erik Försäkring
S:t Erik Försäkring was the first public sector captive insurance company in Sweden. Based in Stockholm, it provides cover for activities run by the capital city. Nathan Skinner spoke to chief executive Anders Carlsund
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Airmic wants insurance law reform
Airmic is spearheading an initiative to change the Marine Insurance Act of 1906
Think forward, think risk
Enterprise-wide risk management and the increasing role of risk management in corporate strategies dominated the recent RIMS annual conference in Boston. Professor Jean-Paul Louisot reports
How to: Respond to rising liabilities in Europe
The USA may still be the spiritual home of D&O litigation, but Europe is not too far behind. Class actions are becoming more common and the need to settle claims quickly is greater than ever. Luckily, say David Walters and Géraud Verhille, the D&O market has a history of adapting ...
How to: Understand eco-labels
An overabundance of eco-labels and soft testing criteria is making it hard to consume responsibly. Are these green seals losing their clout? Nathan Skinner investigates
How to: Protect customer data
Public trust in the ability of many organisations to protect customer details is in freefall. So why do so many still rely on inadequate traditional defences, such as a firewall or anti-virus systems? Neil Hodge investigates
Preparing for climate change
Climate change is a crucial issue for public sector organisations.