All Strategic Risk Global articles in Online only – Page 109
‘We need to be agile in the way we look at risk’
Nor Adila Ismail, the long-serving chief risk officer at Malaysian oil and gas company PETRONAS, has taken an unconventional route to the top. She reveals what she has learned about the risk profession, and offers some advice to newcomers.
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Brexit: It boils down to deal or no deal
As British Prime Minister Theresa May fights to negotiate a Brexit deal that will command a majority in parliament before the UK crashes out of the EU on 29 March, StrategicRISK speaks to an expert about the potential impact on insurance buyers.
Time to reposition the role of risk managers
PARIMA chairman Franck Baron tells StrategicRISK why ’redefining risks’ will be an important central theme that will be echoed across PARIMA’s conferences and new initiatives in 2019.
StrategicRISK launches #ChangingRisk campaign
Risks are changing and risk management needs to change too. That’s why we’ve launched #ChangingRisk - a campaign promoting new thinking in risk
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Be the change you want to see
Something needs to be done to transform risk management and this shift starts with us as risk managers, writes risk expert Suchitra Narayanan.
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Risk management - is it relevant?
For those risk managers who are not already questioning risk management, here is why risk manager Andrew Potter, believes it is time to get behind #ChangingRisk
Mondelez case prompts cyber warning
As the $100m Mondelez vs Zurich case continues in the US, StrategicRISK takes a closer look at the case and what it means for risk managers globally.
Amrae 2019: day two conference daily now live
A round-up of the latest news, insight and analysis from day 2 of the Amrae conference, including risk manager interviews with Veolia, Nexity, Capgemini, Mont Blanc Group
Le risk manager 2019, un communicant ?
Le risk manager doit savoir accompagner son Comex, négocier des assurances, mais aussi diffuser très largement la culture du risque, co-construire des polices d’assurance sur de nouveaux risques et présenter sa gestion des risques comme un facteur de compétitivité. Explications.
Brigitte Bouquot et Thomas Buberl évoquent une crise de confiance européenne
Les 27e rencontres de l’AMRAE battent leur plein à Deauville. Plus de 2 700 risk managers, courtiers et assureurs se sont réunis pour échanger analyses et bonnes pratiques. Cette année, l’Europe est au cœur de l’attention.
Supply chain : le point d’entrée d’une gestion des risques globale
L’interdépendance des entreprises expose chacune d’entre elles à la défaillance d’un des maillons de la chaîne de valeur. Travailler ensemble devient indispensable pour contrôler ses risques, ce qui ouvre un tout nouveau champ pour les risk managers
Veolia – gérer le risque climatique de manière globale
Les resilience bonds constituent une forme d’obligation catastrophe liant les primes d’assurance à des projets de résilience, ce qui permet de monétiser les pertes évitées via un mécanisme de crédits, nouvelle source de financement.
Taking risk management to the boardroom - video
Greater engagement with the board and buy-in from the c-suite - Brigitte Bouquot, vice-president insurance and risk management for Thales and president of Amrae lays out her vision for #ChangingRisk
How to climb the risk maturity curve and get close to the board - video
#ChangingRisk requires risk managers to gain greater influence at executive management level. Gaëtan Lefevre, group risk and insurance manager at Cockerill Maintenance & Ingénierie, outlines his vision for the future
How digitalisation will change your risk profile and the insurance broking model
StrategicRISK spoke to Laurent Rousseau, deputy CEO at SCOR and Corinne Cipière, managing director, market management at AGCS ahead of this morning’s panel debate entitled ‘Insurance tomorrow’ to understand the impact of digitalisation
Les décideurs recherchent des méthodes de prévention contre les risques cyber, l’interruption d’activité et les catastrophes naturelles
StrategicRISK a rencontré Cédric Lenoire, Consultant senior en risques d’affaires auprès de FM Global. Cédric indique pourquoi la prévention et la résilience restent les meilleures armes contre les risques majeurs
The soft skills that will impress the c-suite - video
For François Malan, chief risk officer at Nexity, #ChangingRisk requires a set of skills, which will help further elevate the role of risk management
Video: Nat cats, technological, digital transformation are the greatest challenges for risk managers
StrategicRISK speaks to Dominique Delmas, Directeur du développement E/C chez Groupe SARETEC, about the top three risks faced by risk managers and what they need to do to mitigate them.
Decision-makers want prevention tactics to deal with cyber, supply interruption and natural disasters
StrategicRISK spoke with Cedric Lenoire, senior business risk consultant at FM Global about why prevention and resilience are critical when dealing with the top risks facing businesses
Vidéo: pour les risk managers, les « cat nat », les nouvelles technologies et la révolution numérique représentent les risques majeurs
StrategicRISK a rencontré Dominique Delmas, le Directeur du développement E/C du Groupe SARETEC. Il décrit les trois grands risques auxquels les risk managers sont confrontés et la façon de les traiter.