Our talent risk survey aims to understand the greatest talent-based threats facing organisations today, but we need your help

According to the World Economic Forum, technology is moving faster than most organisations can design and scale up training programmes.

At the same time, the body found that employers globally are anticipating a labour market churn of 23% in the next five years and that 44% of workers skills will be disrupted in that same period.

attracting talent

Businesses want people with technological literacy, problem solving skills, and creativity. And securing the right skills is fundamental for any organisation that wants to grow, innovate, and remain competitive.

However, talent risks are threatening business’ ability to do this effectively, and the changing world has made things much harder.

As global and regional barriers have broken down, every company is now competing beyond its sector and local area for the right employees. This is particularly true of tech talent, where there are significant skills shortages.

So, how are organisations tackling these threats, and how are risk managers thinking about them? That’s what we’re trying to find out with our Talent Risk Survey,

These research projects help us to understand how our audience views key risks and to share examples of best practice through our research report write ups. They also inform our content strategy for the year ahead and what we write about.

We’ve already had responses from lots of senior risk professionals, but the more people who contribute, the more insightful the analysis will be, and the clearer the picture we can draw from it. It’s also a chance for you to have your say about some of the big risks facing organisations today.

The current survey looks at areas like the barriers you face to managing talent threats, how your organisation is tackling these risks, what the impact of a skills shortage might look like, and the actions you’re taking to mitigate some of these risks.

By spending just five minutes filling in multiple choice questions, you can help us to better understanding this evolving risk area. The results will be published anonymously alongside analysis and key learnings.

Have your say here.

We are, of course, always on the hunt for case studies and examples of best practice. If your company is doing something interesting around talent risks, contact our editor on sarabenwellSR@gmail.com to share your thoughts.