Diary dates

MAY 5: D&O SEMINAR - AIRMIC, the Association of British Insurers, and the Institute of Directors Speakers: Patricia Hewitt, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry; Derek Higgs, leader of 2003 review of non-executive directors; Peter Montagnon, ABI head of investment affairs. Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Knightsbridge, London

MAY 20: IRM LECTURE - See the IRM web site at www.theirm.org

JUNE 14-16: AIRMIC ANNUAL CONFERENCE - Manchester International Convention Centre

SEPTEMBER 14: SEMINAR: 'OUTSOURCING - HOW TO MANAGE THE RISKS' AIRMIC and the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators The Congress Centre, Great Russell Street, London

SEPTEMBER 20-21: IRM RISK FORUM - Keele University, Staffordshire

OCTOBER 5: FERMA SEMINAR - Hotel President WTC, Brussels.
