Contract certainty - the issues around insurance documentation - is important to commercial insurance buyers, and AIRMIC has organised a series of roadshows on the subject for its members in November

The roadshows will be an opportunity to hear the results of a survey of members' views on contract certainty and to discuss the codes of practice published for the London market and for other insurers in October 2005. At each event, a broker, an insurer and a risk manager will give his or her perspective on the subject.

The Financial Services Authority has told the insurance industry to make substantial improvements in its production and handling of documentation by the end of 2006, but left participants to work out the best ways of doing so. Former AIRMIC chairman, Andrew Cornish, is serving on the high level market steering group set up to respond to the FSA.

He commented, "We are generally supportive of the codes of practice - and have been consulted during their development. We encourage AIRMIC members to become engaged with the issues of contract certainty from a buyer's perspective. They still have the opportunity to influence the results, both at a market level and for their own, specific contracts."

Contract certainty roadshow dates
Glasgow: 18 November 2005
Birmingham: 22 November 2005
Manchester: 30 November 2005

- Further details and registration are available at the AIRMIC website: