All Risk Innovation articles
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Financial Institutions Survey: Infographic
A visual representation of the results of StrategicRISK’s survey of financial institutions, carried out in association with Zurich
Risk Innovation
Tackling the growing risk of cyber crime
Discussion points for financial institutions
JLT, Aon and Marsh to cover Peru's top infrastructure project
Three brokers win Lima metro contracts
Risk Innovation
Country Report: Italy
Companies that survive and even thrive through a prolonged downturn are those that know how to innovate to accumulate
Risk Innovation
Country report: UK
Risk managers would have a competitive advantage if they were to bring the concepts of ERM and business continuity together
Risk Innovation
Country report: France
Eurozone watchers have seized on positive economic news from France, but can the recovery be sustained?
Risk Innovation
Ready for take-off with the champions of the skies
Launching a new aircraft is the ultimate risky business, so aeronautics company EADS factors in risk at every step of its delicate and complex work, as its head of risk Christoph Schwager explains
Risk Innovation
Country Report: Germany
Struggling to adapt to its unofficial European leadership role, Germany is bolstered by a sophisticated risk management climate
Risk Innovation
Lorenzo Arias, head of international technology and financial services, Zurich Global Corporate Switzerland
Compliance and regulatory risk is a major issue for companies based in Switzerland.
Risk Innovation
Manuel Meier, chief executive, Zurich Global Corporate Switzerland
Our customers face several risks.
Risk Innovation
Peter S Philipp, managing director, Willis Global Solutions (International)
For perhaps five or six years now the insurance market in Switzerland has been soft.
Risk in numbers: Switzerland
Switzerland remains less exposed to the macroeconomic imbalances that have beset the southern European eurozone periphery countries in the past three years. It has a balanced budget, a large current account surplus, low inflation and a government debt level among the lowest for advanced economies. Further, its high national savings ...
Risk Innovation
Region report: Benelux
Although small, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg exert great economic and political power, but they have not been immune to recent corporate, financial and government strife
Risk Innovation
Bas van Mullem, global relationship leader, Zurich Global Corporate Benelux
Socio-demographic change is one of the key risks facing the Benelux countries
Risk Innovation
Alain Wijnants, chief executive, Zurich Global Corporate Benelux
Benelux might be small, but it has always had a serious international outlook
Risk in numbers: Luxembourg
Luxembourg continues to be the class leader in the Benelux region. Good macro-economic fundamentals, such as a high current account surplus, low inflation, high savings and low sovereign debt are paired with political stability and sound governance. Some residual risks remain, however, above all a disorderly eurozone breakup scenario.In terms ...
Risk in numbers: The Netherlands
A member of the core eurozone countries, the Netherlands is currently positioned in between Belgium and Luxembourg in the macroeconomic riskiness sphere. Although fiscal risks, for example, are indisputably higher than for Luxembourg, they remain relatively contained, especially when compared to southern eurozone members. Government debt is lower than the ...
Risk in numbers: Belgium
Belgium is in many ways an outlier among the Benelux countries in that, from the point of view of macroeconomic fundamentals, it bears closer resemblance to France, its southern neighbour, than to Germany, its eastern neighbour. Furthermore, as opposed to Luxembourg and the Netherlands, it displays a current account deficit, ...
Risk Innovation
Region report: Scandinavia
Risk managers in Scandinavia show how to escape economic crisis