Gerard Lancner welcomes almost 2000 people to the 19th Les Rencontres
Almost 2000 people registered to attend the 19th Amrae Les Rencontres, which was held for the second year in a row in the resort of Deauville on the Normandy coast.
This year, Gerard Lancner, president of Amrae, announced that he had signed an official agreement setting forth principles to guide the relationship between brokers and insurance buyers in France.
The agreement between Amrae and the Chambre Syndicale de Courtiers d'Assurances (CSCA) will update a 2006 charter and focus on broker transparency, fees and legal security. It also reflects buyers concerns over international programmes.
The new document recommends the installation of a system of remuneration for brokers based on the quality of the services they provide.
Amrae also announced two other partnership projects, the first was a joint training programme concluded with the safety association CNPP and the second was set up with Orée, an environmental risk management organisation.
Risks and resources was the theme chosen by Amrae's keynote speaker, Hubert Védrine, a former minister and diplomatic advisor on foreign affairs.
He said it's now time to break with the consensus view of world risks that has perpetuated since the fall of the Berlin Wall. The main threats come from conflict and competition over access to resources particularly in the emerging world, said Védrine.