All articles by Sue Copeman
StrategicRISK 2011 Risk Report
At a time of heightened global turmoil, StrategicRISK in association with Marsh Risk Consulting, asked Europe’s 30 leading risk managers what they think will most affect their businesses
An old-age concern
The long-term effects of an ageing workforce are under debate, but the pension crisis is a certainty
Ripples from Japan spread worldwide
Setbacks in motor and electronics not only damage Japan’s exports but have global knock-on effects
Yesterday, today, and tomorrow
Welcome to our very special ten-year anniversary edition of StrategicRISK
Ferma hits the big smoke
On 29-30 September the Federation of European Risk Management Associations will hold its biennial seminar in the London Hilton Metropole
Managing the risk
Managing your directors’ and officers’ liability (D&O) risk has always been important. In today’s recession where pressures may encourage directors to cut corners and third parties to sue, it’s vital, writes Sue Copeman
Risk management influencing outcomes
Sue Copeman interviews AIRMIC’s next chairman, Paul Howard
Editor's Letter
Recovery at a price
There is fear in the current recession – and fear breeds inaction.
Are you being served?
Sue Copeman looks at the findings of a survey measuring brokers’ opinions of commercial insurers in the UK
Breaking boundaries
Risk management has taken a hard knock in the last year, certainly as far as financial institutions are concerned. It is now more important than ever before that risk managers prove that they add value
Procurement – allies or adversaries?
What does the growing involvement of procurement in buying insurance mean for risk managers?
Editor's Letter
Improving, but could do better
Responsible investors can play a key role in encouraging some of the world’s biggest companies to improve their corporate social responsibility practices
Editor's Letter
Trustworthy - what, me?
Careless talk costs reputations – and it may be left to the risk manager to help pick up the pieces
Editor's Letter
Wake-up Call
Jérôme Kerviel could be a name that joins that of Nick Leeson (Barings Bank) in the annals of ‘those who broke the bank’
Coming distractions
The end of a year is a wonderful excuse for an editor to do some crystal ball gazing into what might happen in the next year and beyond
Special Reports
Global solutions, local service
An interview with Clive Tobin, chief executive insurance operations, XL Insurance
Special Reports
Trust, security and regulation
In the demand for best practice rating agencies play a key role