All Supply Chain Risks articles
Turkey earthquakes: Port fires impact $679m of global trade
Damage at Iskenderun is a reminder that ’a single point of failure’ can ripple across supply chains - Russell Group
US Xinjiang bill demands full supply chain visibility
Key challenge for companies is to determine traceability of their often highly complex supply chains
Felixstowe bottleneck could impact $2 billion of imports
Operators are said to be diverting big cargo ships away from the UK due to a backlog of arrivals piling up at port
Has Rolls-Royce revolutionised supply chain finance?
When many of its suppliers were struggling to finance the tools on which the manufacturer relied, it devised an ingenious solution to help them, thereby mitigating a key business risk Part of a property and casualty risks series supported by
Latest Issue
Europe edition − December 2014
December’s edition of StrategicRISK examines the increasing complexity of supply chain risk management; the need for businesses to monitor the shifting political risk landscape in Europe; and why renewable energy is attracting corporate investment. K&L Gates offers advice on Ebola-related insurance claims; and Kering risk and insurance manager Anne-Marie Fournier ...
Piracy boom threatens key oil and gas supply chain route
A proliferation of pirate attacks along the Strait of Malacca is a major concern for risk managers in 2015 – XL
Resource scarcity a raw deal for risk managers
Rapid population growth and geopolitical tensions are elevating resource scarcity to a completely new level
Asia editor's opinion: Australian firms and insurers must rethink supply chain issues
Sean Mooney on why Australia needs to address mounting supply chain issues, or face dire consequences
Increased rules and regulation won’t stop supply chain scandals says IRM
A tick-box approach to supply chain management is dangerous and won’t prevent the next Rana Plaza
Big retailers caught breaching EU chemicals rule
Investigation finds supermarkets in breach of REACH rules governing toxic chemicals
How to: Minimise the drama of a crisis
Product recalls are the stuff of commercial nightmare, but businesses can take several steps to handle the situation well
Philip Osmond, British Airways
In an exclusive interview, the airline risk boss explains how you can't always plan for every eventuality and why risk resiliency is the order of the day
Diasporas transmit risks and opportunities
As populations shift they can bring benefits to their hosts or put more pressure on these communities
Bribery - the UK law tightens
Even matters such as corporate hospitality need to be scrutinised to avoid penalty
Online only
Nasa sells computers containing shuttle secrets
Data breach after Nasa fails to wipe end-of-life PCs
A hard case to prove?
French prosecutors are having the same problems as their UK counterparts when it comes to bringing successful corporate killing prosecutions. Sue Copeman explains
Wikileaks blows the whistle
Wikileaks began publishing the first tranche of what is says are 250,000 secret US diplomatic cables