All Technological Risk articles – Page 36
Stopping occupational spammers
A recent survey by Gartner Group found that up to one-third of internal business e-mail was unnecessary.
Intranet training
Has your organisation got a large number of employees? If so, video programmes may be effective in getting the risk management message across, says Ray Williams.
Internet warning
The risks from e-commerce and using the internet are little understood and potentially crippling, according to Oliver Prior, research and development director of Willis Group Ltd.
Failure to take information security seriously
Half of all IT managers do not know if their organisation has an information security policy in place.
Embedded risk management - the new grail?
Outsourcing can mean entrusting your hard won customers and reputation to someone else. Can you be sure their risk management principles and processes match yours? Rosie Harrison reports.
Data protection - do you comply?
Eduardo Ustaran discusses the setting up of an organisation-wide data protection compliance programme, and provides practical recommendations for businesses.
Dot com or dot con?
The internet has not lived up to many companies' expectations. Micahel Bates looks at ways of making your e-business work.
Mia Pandey discusses how established brands have managed their risk when moving to the on-line environment.
Systems under attack
Once, thieves only burgled your safe. Today they break into your computers, say Phil Sealey & Yag Kanani.
Licensing in IPR
Simon Harper discusses the points to watch for when acquiring rights to use other people's intellectual property.
How safe is your intellectual property?
Howard Cottrell says that misrepresentation of brand image will escalate with the internet explosion, but companies are taking surprisingly few precautions to protect themselves.
Virtual hazards
IT can leave you exposed to unprotected and unexpected risks, warns Janet Edey.
What e-commerce strategy?
Companies without an e-commerce strategy could be in breach of best corporate governance standards. Martin Rayfield suggests that the situation is not so clear cut.
Data protection
The new Data Protection Act extends the 1984 legislation in a number of areas and provides data subjects with some additional rights.
Tackling cyber risks
Many insurance industry players are focusing on designing products and facilities to help companies deal with the new "cyber risks" arising from e-business activities.