All Ticker Stories articles – Page 7
The calm after the storm
So far several major catastrophes have not had a big impact on commercial property insurance prices. But how long will this situation last, asks James Bray
Report undermines Apple's code of conduct
Despite a ‘rigorously’ enforced code of conduct, new research highlights the continuation of poor working conditions standards
Guernsey sets out its stall
Guernsey promoted its stance on Solvency II at a seminar in London but some delegates did not seem convinced
When the mighty fall, what hope for the meek?
StrategicRISK’s editor-in-chief Sue Copeman considers what it means when a global giant falls foul of increasingly adept hackers, despite there being seemingly rigorous protection in place
Insurers re-evaluate earthquake cover
After the Japanese earthquake, companies could find it much harder to buy catastrophe cover in hazardous zones, finds Sue Copeman
Deadly cucumbers
How has the German food health scare affected the risk management industry in Europe? Sue Copeman finds out
XL launches new cyber insurance cover
Cyber liability coverage includes costs associated with mandatory data breach notifications
Nintendo hacked
Another Japanese multi-national is the latest victim of cyber attack. StrategicRISK explores some solutions to cyber risks
Reinsurance rates soar after Japanese earthquake
The market reacts to recent natural catastrophies
French car manufacturer to close two factories
French workers union peprares for a "battle" over reported closures
Infographic: Major terrorist attacks in the last ten years
Countries worldwide are on high alert following the death of the USA’s most wanted terrorist
When to attack, when to defend
The boardroom is a battleground, risk managers are generals and raw materials are the lives of soldiers; important risk management lessons can be learnt from history’s greatest wars
Airmic looks beyond the horizon
Paul Taylor, Airmic’s new chairman, outlined his strategy for the UK risk association
My Airmic chairmanship
Payl Taylor, Airmic's new chairman, outlines his priotities for the year ahead
Rates stay low despite catastrophes
Recent nat cats haven’t altered historic lows in property rates so what will it take to harden the insurance market?
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