All Weekly Email Alert articles – Page 3
Avatar economy
The lack of formal regulation of financial transactions between players in virtual worlds such as Second Life leaves the gaming system open to abuse, reports Nathan Skinner
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Hackers target firms that hinder Wikileaks
MasterCard, Amazon, PayPal are among those in the firing line
Infographic: Political risk map
Control Risks analyses the critical risks facing multinationals in the year ahead
Five states to watch
Control Risks listed the countries facing political and economic transformation in 2011
The credit crisis animated
You might want to see this clever video animation of the credit crisis by Jonathan Jarvis
Wikileaks blows the whistle
Wikileaks began publishing the first tranche of what is says are 250,000 secret US diplomatic cables
Consumers want stricter data rules
Companies should be subject to US style disclosure laws and face tougher penalties
FT report backs Guernsey
Changes to the Channel Islands’ tax regime won’t hit their popularity
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Rise in disability benefit seekers
OECD urges governments to reform their welfare programmes
Cyber space is the fifth battle ground
Chatham House report warns of the growing threat of cyber criminals
Buyers and brokers reach transparency agreement
Ferma’s deal with BIPAR includes rules on remuneration and managing conflicts of interest
How to: Deal with nanotechnology risks
Nanotechnology is carving new frontiers in manufacturing, medicine and food processing, creating a stream of new risks in its wake
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Facebook security warning
A new messaging system could have serious security implications
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Bank split over inflation risk
Minutes from a policy meeting show a difference of opinion over how to combat the recession
Accenture bullying claim fails
A computer analyst was wrong to say his employer breached health and safety law, ruled a court