All Weekly Email Alert articles – Page 7
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Campaigners slam emissions cap trap
Trading scheme threatens to trap Europe in a high carbon future, says group
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IMF public debt warning
Fiscal prudence needed to protect a fragile recovery and reassure markets, says body
Risk culture lacking, survey reveals
A “significant task” ahead to embed risk culture, says the IRM’s deputy head
Infographic: New Zealand earthquake
Graphic shows the epicenter and aftershocks of the magnitude 7.1 Darfield earthquake
Lloyd’s and Bermuda converging
A report finds the underwriting differences between London and Bermuda are thinning
AIRMIC Portfolio
Meet AIRMIC's new chairman
Police officer, teacher, counsellor and leader – AIRMIC's new chairman!
Worth the effort
Solvency II will benefit the whole insurance industry, writes Chris Lajtha in response to Carl Leeman’s blog
Is Aon losing its GRIP?
Risk managers ask for data to be removed from Aon’s information platform
A new approach to regulation
A summary of the UK government’s recommendations for regulatory change
Can Dodd-Frank stop another crisis?
The sweeping overhaul of US financial regulation fails to address the main causes of the financial crisis, says Matthew Kerfoot
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Christchurch hit by quake
Magnitude 7 earthquake causes damage buildings and infrastructure
Top 5 mega earthquake hotspots
They are the Caribbean, North America, Chile, Indonesia and Japan
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UN backs IPCC
Inquiry recommends fundamental reform of the IPCC following climate change scandal
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Report reveals bribe trends in Brazil
Officials account for most demands and cash is the preferred bribe
Coke sued for cutting strikers health care
500 striking workers in Washington launched a class action after their health plans were cut
AstraZeneca settles with drug users
The company paid £125m to settle about two thirds of seroquel personal injury claims in the US