All Weekly Email Alert articles – Page 8
Infographic: Global risks spectrum
36 economic, environmental, geopolitical, societal and technological risks mapped
Editor's Letter
Taking over the reins
Taking the helm of a renowned business journal like StrategicRISK is an incredibly exciting opportunity
Chilean miners appeal for rescue
33 miners could be trapped underground for months at a mine in northern Chile
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US financially unprepared for next catastrophe
Current disaster preparedness plan relies too heavily on retrospective insurance, says lobby
More trouble than its worth
Solvency II will severely restrict the commercial insurance market. It’s time Europe listened to the concerns of risk managers, blogs Carl Leeman
Lloyds bank appoints people risk director
Sandra Quinn joins from the financial regulator
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Videographic: Who owns America’s debt?
A dynamic perspective of the major foreign holders of US government debt
Infographic: Tracking the history of the FTSE100
Visual graphic shows how the value and composition of the index has changed over 26 years
Winning treatment
Launching a series of fi rst-hand accounts of practical risk management, Mike Florence, who led AstraZeneca’s programme, explains how the team’s strategy has breathed new life into its respiratory and infl ammatory efforts
Not so smart …
Using a mobile phone can be a risky business. But while any link with cancer is still to be proved, there is no doubt about the dangers of driving and using a hand-held and the phones’ vulnerability to security lapses, writes Andrew Leslie
Special Report: Property Risk
Robust property risk management practices may call for serious investment in loss protection – but the benefi ts for the corporate bottom line can often more than compensate
New world order
Corporate multinational property insurance programmes can provide signifi cant cost and control benefi ts – but risk managers should be aware of the potential pitfalls
Plight of the honeybee
Pesticides, parasites, disease – the growing list of aggressors against the humble honeybee is causing the population to die out and, Emily Miller warns, the ramifi cations will be huge
Still some way to go
StrategicRISK’s latest benchmarking survey indicates that, while many organisations are seeing the benefi ts from enterprise risk management, a signifi cant number still have some distance to cover before it is fi rmly embedded in their corporate culture
How to: Make sure you're ready to face the judges
When Standard & Poor’s added risk management to its credit rating assessment, some doubted it had the credibility to properly judge the discipline. But as a good rating is vital to success, says Nathan Skinner, does your ERM do enough to impress the panel?